Revisiting Rockstar in theatres

Ya Nizamuddin Aulia
Ya Nizamuddin Salka

As A.R. Rahman’s voice filled the theatre, mobile phones appeared out of pockets, members of the audience – mostly Gen Z crowd – capturing the sublime magic from screen to their phones. Imtiaz Ali’s 2011 musical love story was running again in theatres, packed theatres to be honest, and the charm of the 13-year old film was still not lost.

Image Courtesy: IMDB

At its core, Rockstar is a complex exploration of love, pain, and the tumultuous journey to self-discovery, framed by a narrative as unconventional as its protagonist. The film is not just a visual and emotional experience but also a musical odyssey, elevated by A.R. Rahman’s soul-stirring compositions and Ranbir Kapoor’s powerful performance.

When Imtiaz Ali’s Rockstar first hit theaters in 2011, it was a film that stirred a myriad of emotions, dividing audiences and critics alike. As I revisited this cinematic piece on its re-release, it was an opportune moment to delve into the elements that made the film both a revered and controversial work. Three aspects of the film stood out for me in this repeat viewing: A.R. Rahman’s evocative music, the film’s unconventional storytelling, and Ranbir Kapoor’s transformative performance.

Rahman’s musical mastery

A.R. Rahman’s soundtrack for Rockstar is arguably the soul of the film. The music maestro composed a score that transcends the narrative, embedding itself deeply into the emotional fabric of the story. Rahman’s compositions are diverse and dynamic, reflecting the tumultuous journey of the protagonist, Janardhan Jakhar, aka Jordan, played by Ranbir Kapoor.

From the haunting Phir Se Ud Chala to the rebellious Sadda Haq, Rahman’s music captures the essence of Jordan’s transformation from a naive college boy to a tortured rockstar. The soundtrack is not just a collection of songs but a narrative device that propels the story forward, each track resonating with Jordan’s inner turmoil and growth. Kun Faya Kun, set in the dargah of Hazrat Nizamuddin, serves as a spiritual awakening both for Jordan and the audience, epitomising Rahman’s ability to blend traditional Sufi music with contemporary rock.

Problematic Storyline

While Rockstar is celebrated for its music and performances, its storyline cannot escape criticism. The central narrative follows Jordan’s tumultuous relationship with Heer (Nargis Fakhri), which is marked by infidelity, emotional abuse, and a lack of resolution. The problematic portrayal of Heer’s character, who often appears as a mere catalyst for Jordan’s artistic angst rather than a fully fleshed-out individual, is disturbing.

Moreover, the film’s depiction of love and passion sometimes veers into troubling territory, romanticizing unhealthy relationships and toxic behavior. Jordan’s obsessive love for Heer and his subsequent self-destructive behavior are portrayed with a certain romanticism that can be unsettling.

Nonlinear Storytelling

Imtiaz Ali’s choice of a nonlinear narrative structure adds a layer of complexity to Rockstar. The film oscillates between different phases of Jordan’s life, juxtaposing his rise to fame with his moments of despair and loss. This fragmented storytelling mirrors the chaos and unpredictability of Jordan’s journey, inviting the audience to piece together his emotional and psychological state.

The nonlinear approach also serves to emphasize the dichotomy between Jordan’s public persona and his private struggles. Scenes of his electrifying performances are interspersed with moments of vulnerability and introspection, creating a stark contrast that heightens the impact of his internal conflict. This narrative technique, while innovative, also demands active engagement from the audience, requiring them to navigate through the disjointed timelines to fully grasp the character’s evolution.

Ranbir Kapoor’s Transformative Performance

Central to the film’s impact is Ranbir Kapoor’s powerhouse performance. Kapoor embodies Jordan with an intensity that is both mesmerizing and unsettling. His portrayal of the character’s transition from Janardhan Jakhar to Jordan is marked by a raw, visceral energy that captures the essence of a tortured artist.

Kapoor’s performance is a tour de force, showcasing his range as an actor. He effortlessly transitions from moments of youthful exuberance to scenes of profound despair, making Jordan’s journey believable and compelling. His on-screen chemistry with Nargis Fakhri, despite her relatively limited acting prowess, is palpable and adds depth to the narrative. Kapoor’s ability to convey a spectrum of emotions through his expressions and body language is a testament to his dedication and craft.

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About Agnivo Niyogi

Typical Aantel, reader, blogger, news addict, opinionated. Digital media enthusiast. Didi fanboi. Joy Bangla!

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